Sunday, May 10, 2015

the end :(

Hi , welcome back to my page. Today will be the last day of genius hour.  I will be answering some questions about genius hour.

1.What was your favorite part of the topic you chose?
It was being able make things that I would of never thought I could create & also doing something I love to do
2. what was your least favorite part of the topic you chose?
Well since I had to make stuff, I didn't like the messy part . like getting glue on my hands, taking the rappers off of the colors and kind of not getting the results I wanted.

3.what do you like best about genius hour research?
You can chose a topic of what ever you want to learn about.

4. what do you like least about genius hour research?
The amount to weeks that we have to do it.
I would of like more time , but then again, you still can do it on your own time.

5.what was the most important thing you learned about yourself?.
That I can be some what creative . And that not all things will turn out as you would like but the important thing is that you enjoy what your doing and that's what I did (:

Monday, May 4, 2015

painting= kind of success

Hello , welcome back to my blog . We're getting to the final days to where genius hour is almost here. This week I did a painting that wasn't very difficult and mabe you should try it.

The things I needed was a poster board ( it doesn't have to be a poster board) , paint ( brown & any color of choice) , brush , empty bottle of coke and a plate .

The first thing you need to do Is get the brown paint and draw a tree with branches on it . The second thing is ,  you have to put the paint *color of your choice * on the plate . Then you had to dip the bottom of the  coke bottle in the paint.  After that you place the coke it the branches and that would make it look like flowers.

My out come (:

The hardest thing was to make the bottom of the coke look like flowers because I'm my painting, it really didn't look like it so that's why it was kind of a success . I was happy with my outcome and hope you check out my next blog, bye . 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Not a fail this time (:

Hello , welcome to this week's blog ! I really didn't know what to do,  but I found this creative thing on Google . And this picture pretty much explains it.

The things i needed was tape ,crayons ( as many as you want) , any type of bord you want it in ,but I used a foam bord, and a blow dryer. 

What I did was put the colors in color order and then I took the rapper off of the color. Then I placed tape to hold the colors together.  Finally I blow dried the colors and then I was done

The hardest thing , believe it or not , was trying to take off the rapper off of the colors. The outcome came out pretty good , I believe.  The picture would be in the bottom on the post . Thanks and I hope you come and see more of my post  (:

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Outcome! :(

Yarn Balloon = fail

Hello welcome back, so you may be wondering what I have made this week. The thing I created was a yarn Balloon and it turned out to be a fail .

This took me less than 10 minutes to do . I made an extreme mess because of the glue and my hands were supper sticky. Although it wasn't what I expected, i had fun doing it.

To built it , i used glue , a balloon, yarn and I also needed a bowl. The first thing i did was blow up the balloon. Then i put the glue in the bowl and dipped the yarn inside it . After that, I wrapped the yarn to the balloon . I let the glue dry and then I popped it. The last thing I did was take the balloon out and then I was finished.
This project didn't work out for me , but I hope you try it . Come back and visit again . Bye (:

Sunday, April 12, 2015

How creative can I be ?.

Hello, welcome to my blog. I will be reporting my information from my genius hour that I will be doing in my English 1 class. This would be my first time doing genius hour, and I wanted to do some thing fun, so I decided to be creative .

In my genius hour I am going to be doing DIYs (Do It Yourself ) projects. I will be going to pinterest, Google and YouTube to be finding my ideas . I choose this project because I want to see the things I can create during these 5 weeks . 

What is genius hour?. Genius hour is where a person discovers there own passion . During a set of period a time in the students class room, the student can make a choice of what they want to learn about. Many people learn stuff from playing a instrument or making a movie. I hope that you can come once in a while to see the things I created.